Milica Ožegović
Business Secretary
Healthy and cultured interpersonal relations, a pleasant working atmosphere, a clean and modern environment and, of course, regular earnings are the most important things for us as employees.
At Victoria Group, whatever the situation, the issue of receiving wages does not come up, and employees do not need to worry about if and when they will receive their wage or whether or not their social contributions will be paid at the end of the month. This is something that is simply implied here in our firm, like in the rest of the modern world, as opposed to a subjective estimate of 80% of companies in Serbia, where people work an entire month unsure of whether they will actually receive a wage at the end of it for their work, effort and time.
Young mothers or those who are to become young mothers, receive full support and understanding, the question of marital status or family planning is not mentioned or asked at the job interview, which in the majority of cases is an obstacle to getting your desired job and building a career in many companies.
In this respect, I should also mention the New Year packages for the children, the monetary gift for ladies on 8 March and the vacation allowance that is paid twice a year.
This working environment and these working conditions stimulate us, the employees, to give our best and together we are creating one of the most successful companies in Europe.