Marko Kovačev
Transport Logistics Department Manager
A company is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain of operations, and the Victoria Group team comprises people who approach their work with enthusiasm. To work in Victoria Group means working in one of the leading agriculture companies in Southeast Europe, and therefore, our team is carefully selected. The entire business process is supervised by an expert, reliable and experienced staff.
All our energy is directed at our partners. The satisfaction of our consumers is our ultimate goal. We built the trust we have gained over many years, patiently, and we endeavour to preserve it. The secret of our success is listening to needs, not those of the market, but those of the people who comprise the market – buyers. On the basis of the careful analysis of the needs of consumers, but also drawing on our own experience and intuition, we have built a recognisable brand throughout Europe.
To maintain our leading position in agriculture, besides constant investment in equipment and raw materials, we also invest in the knowledge of our employees. We frequently organise employee training and visits to fairs and congresses, where we compare achievements and gain new knowledge.