SP Laboratorija
SP Laboratory is one of the most sophisticated laboratories in Serbia, whose capacities and credentials place it among the ranks of international reference laboratories. This is confirmed by its regular participation in international inter-laboratory testing and quality arbitration services for international companies. The laboratory is accredited to test, among other things, the quality and safety of food and feed, water, consumer products and soil.
Thanks to its sophisticated technology, SP Laboratory provides tests relating to genetic modification, microbiological safety, pesticides, heavy metals and metalloids, radioactive isotopes, vitamins, antibiotics, chemical composition, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, amino-acid content, and many other physical and chemical analyses.
The Laboratory owns most comprehensive pesticide library, enabling the detection of 900 different pesticide residues, and is the only laboratory in the Balkans with the equipment for examining stable isotopes – IRMS, which is used for determining the geographical origin of a product. This is one of the crucial conditions that need to be met when exporting products to the EU.
SP Laboratory was one of the first laboratories to be accredited in Serbia, which took place under ISO/IEC 17025 by the Accreditation Body of Serbia. Following the agreement between the Accreditation Body of Serbia and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, SP Laboratory became internationally recognised.
The testing capacity is over 15,000 samples per month. Of the total number of analyses performed in a year, about 40,000 are samples of food and animal feed, tested on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Health, the Veterinary Administration and a large number of foreign and local companies and producers.