Marina Radić
Marketing Associate
I began working in Victoria Logistic after completing my university undergraduate studies. Twenty-two years old and without professional work experience, I got my “First Chance” right here. I began working as a trainee, continued my master’s studies, and the support of my colleagues and the understanding shown regarding university meant a lot to me. Victoria Logistic is a company that invests in training and educating its employees. I faced new challenges every day. A great and successful company, great and successful partners, great and successful colleagues... All this contributes to all of us employees feeling that way.
Like every young person who wants and aspires more, I expressed my wish to move from the commercial sector into marketing. And this happened, since the company offers everyone the chance to express what they want, because employee satisfaction contributes to the satisfaction of the company. Work, dedication and effort are always appreciated and adequately rewarded – in the sense of awards for the best project, end-of-year awards.
The best companies have a noble goal and a clear intention to treat their employees and partners well. They understand that is very important to be very profitable, but that it is also just as important to be socially responsible. People love to feel good because of the company they work in. They want to know that their company – and the work they do – is building a better life and affecting change. A company should be known for both profitability and social responsibility, whereby they retain employees, attract new people and gain respect. Good work is good for work, and when you give something, you always get something back.
This is what I have learned at Victoria Logistic. It’s the place where I began working and I want it to be the place from where I go into retirement.