Use of biomass in the sojaprotein factory presented to journalists

A two-day seminar dedicated to renewable energy sources intended for journalists in Serbia was held last week, organised by the Media Association. Sojaprotein Technical and EHS Manager Stevan Rausavljević represented Victoria Group and gave a presentation on the development of biomass as an energy source in this factory.

In his presentation, Mr. Rausavljević conveyed Sojaprotein’s experience of using biomass, gave some basic information on the operation of the boiler and savings, and also addressed investments in biomass-fuelled boilers realised in Victoriaoil and the pelleting plant in Zrenjanin. Particular emphasis was placed on the synergy achieved in the Victoria Group business system with respect to renewable energy sources – from the purchase of straw from agricultural producers by Victoria Logistics through the use of biomass in factories within Victoria Group to production of agro-pellets in the Victoria Starch plant.