ABS second regular monitoring at SP Laboratorija

The second regular monitoring evaluation by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ABS) was carried out in March at SP Laboratorija in compliance with the requirements of the SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006 standard. In the course of monitoring, ABS had verified the competency of personnel in charge of conducting research, as well as the equipment, and the results of previous evaluations.
This year, the method of determining allergens in milk and the specific methods of food testing were added to the “Scope of Accreditation” of SP Laboratorija.
After two years of implementing the flexible scope of accreditation regarding the determination of GMO modifications and pesticide residue, it has been observed that the clients are very satisfied with this way of handling their requests to test food and animal feed on particular parameters, and especially with the response to their requests for analysis for the new GMO modifications and pesticide residues which were not in the scope of accreditation. The complete list of accredited pesticide residue and GMO modifications is available on the website of the laboratory at all times.
In the following period, SP Laboratorija shall continue to comply its business with the requests of its clients, as well as with domestic and foreign legal regulations, and to develop and implement renowned testing methods accordingly.